Nid oes gofid na therfysgoedd, Nid oes achwyn o un rhyw, Nid oes trallod, poen na galar, O fewn trigfan bur fy Nuw: Cariad perffaith Sydd yn llenwi'r hyfryd wlad. Ni ddaw cwmwl dû terfysglyd, Ni ddaw annghrediniaeth mwy, Ni ddaw yno ofni marw, Byth i roddi imi glwy'; Môr diwaelod Fydd pleserau pur y nef. Yno cofiaf, gan ryfeddu, Fel y deuthym, eiddil gwan, Trwy anialwch ac afonydd, A llifogydd mawr, i'r lan! Byth ni flinaf Ganu clod yn nhŷ fy Nhad. [Yno caf i ddweud yr hanes Fel y dringodd eiddil, gwan, Trwy afonydd, a thros greigiau, Dyrys, anial, serth i'r lan; Iesu ei hunan Gaiff y clod drwy eitha'r nef.]1-2: William Williams 1717-91 3a/b: ? Thomas William(s) 1761-1844
Tonau [878747]:
gwelir: |
There is no grief or tumults, There is no complaint of any kind, There is no trouble, pain or mourning, Within the pure residence of my God: Perfect love Is filling the delightful land. No black, tumultuous cloud shall come, No more unbelief shall come, No fear of dying shall come there, Ever to give me a wound: A bottomless sea Shall be the pure pleasures of heaven. There I shall remember, wondering, How I, a feeble weak one, came, Up through desert and rivers, And great floods! I shall never grow weary Of singing acclaim in my Father's house. [There I shall get to tell the story How a feeble, weak one climbed up, Through rivers, and across troublesome, Desert, steep rocks: Jesus himself Shall get the acclaim throughout the utmost heaven.]tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion |
[There shall I rehearse the story, How a weakling faint and worn, Was o'er rocks and through deep waters, To eternal glory borne: Jesus wholly, Shall absorb the songs of heaven.]tr. 1854 Joseph Morris